What Tallgrass Offers: We're dedicated to your growth and constantly innovating. Stay ahead of the curve as we continuously enhance and bring you new product offerings. Our mission is to equip animal guardians, trainers, and healthcare practitioners with the ultimate learning tools for mastering animal acupressure. Don't miss out on the transformative power of animal acupressure. Step into action today with Tallgrass Animal Acupressure Resources and unlock the extraordinary healing modality that will revolutionize your approach to animal care.
What You Can Do:
Just think how you can support your animal’s health, emotional comfort, performance, and longevity. As an illustration, you'll be able to help your dog recover quickly from a muscle injury, improve the range of motion for your jumper, or relieve your cats bouts with constipation.
The benefits of Chinese Medicine have been recognized for over 4000 years. Additionally, Acupressure-massage is safe, noninvasive, and deceptively gentle, yet powerful.
And best of all, Tallgrass makes Animal Acupressure accessible to all!
Acupressure has been proven to:
Accordingly, Acupressure-massage can contribute to you and your animal’s life together no matter which discipline you enjoy. You can be your animal’s own advocate throughout each phase of his life.
Tallgrass Animal Acupressure offers Books and Manuals, Meridian charts, Video's and Apps. These learning tools are essential resources for becoming proficient at creating an effective acupressure-massage session with your horse, dog, or cat.
To that end, we provide three foundation texts for your acupressure studies. These books will serve as a resource while learning acupressure and a reference you will need throughout your acupressure work, they are:
ACU-Horse: Guide to Equine Acupressure
ACU-Dog: A Guide to Canine Acupressure
ACU-Cat: A Guide to Feline Acupressure
Now, take a few minutes to look at all the learning tools available for you to learn and share optimal health with your animals.
Chinese medicine and acupressure-massage are powerful tools at your fingertips - ONLINE CLASSES
Making Animal Acupressure Accessible!